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About the Children's Home / Re: Children's Home Staff
« Last post by Administrator on May 21, 2018, 04:36:33 am »
Job Descriptions

House Parents:
This is considered a full-time job and all House Parents must live in the house full-time. One must be at least 25 to be a House Parent. Responsibilities include welcoming new residents, coordinating all house activities, enforcing the rules of the house, and delegating responsibilities to the Interns and Volunteers. They are to be notified of any situations involving the children in the house, including if the child is in trouble (except for very minor corrections given) or hurt in some way while in the care of another House Parent, Intern, or Volunteer. This is to maintain open communication and ensure consistency.

House Parent Interns:
This is consiered a part-time job. Young Adults (aged 18-24) without families will automatically be considered an Intern and live at the Children's Home, but Young Adults who live in a family home may also be Interns. Interns are mainly responsible for socializing with the children and being a listening ear, but other responsibilities may be delegated to them. Interns may be asked to handle or give input into situations involving the misbehavior of a child but may only physically punish children aged 10 or younger.

This is not considered a job. Volunteers are 18 or older and have homes off campus. They participate with the children as needed and as their schedule allows. If a Volunteer is needed to stay with the children during the absence of a House Parent, they will be paid for their time. They will only be asked to handle the misbehavior of a child if there is no House Parent or Intern immediately available. In that case, they may only handle 'minor' misbehaviors or verbally correct the children in their care. If a situation arises that requires more than that, the situation must be forwarded to an Intern or House Parent.
About the Children's Home / Children's Home Staff
« Last post by Administrator on May 21, 2018, 04:12:16 am »
House Parent:

Dinah Walsh

House Parent Interns:

Ryann Czap


Asa Montgomery
Lydia Montgomery
About the Children's Home / House Parent Responsibilities
« Last post by Dinah Walsh on May 16, 2018, 05:46:54 pm »
The general scope of responsibilities while employed as a House Parent at Eastland Hills are all the tasks relating to personal care, housing, meals, study and recreational activities of the children at Eastland Children's Home. You are surrogate parents to all the children in your care.

House Parent Responsibilities:

·      Manage the household (domestic responsibilities)

·      Encourage good behavior of the children

·      Supervise and arrange activities, including outings, to encourage and nurture proper mental, physical, social and spiritual development

·      Ensure that the children are maintaining proper hygeine and have regular medical and dental visits.

·      Ensure that the students attend school regularly and are applying themselves to the best of their ability.

·      Be approachable to children so that they can open up to you about prior experiences or current problems in their lives.

Effective houseparents have...

·      A strong sense of responsibility
·      Great leadership skills
·      Reasonably good organizational skills
·      The ability to work in close proximity to others. You won't always know or be familiar with the other houseparent(s) you work with so the ability to communicate, compromise and effectively resolve differences is a must!
·      A good understanding of cultural differences is important, both in terms of caring for children from all different backgrounds and working with other House Parents who may have had different experiences than you.

If you possess these qualities and would like to apply as a House Parent for a growing environment, please feel free to apply!
About the Children's Home / House Parent Application (ages 25+)
« Last post by Administrator on October 24, 2017, 09:53:31 pm »
(Note: only those with presently approved and active members of the community can bring an adult for Eastland Children’s Home.)
Age (or age range):
Personal Possessions: 
Character Traits:
History: (a summary of what life was like prior to coming to Eastland Hills)
Forms of punishment used: (Please erase anything that you are unwilling to use but bear in mind that as a House Parent you will be expected to act within the major, creative, and minor consequences as outlined by the established behavior system. You may also add things to the list.)
Sent to your room for time out
Sent to the corner for time out
Put in a chair for a time out
Written forms of punishment (ex. lines, essays, copying Bible passages)
Creative method of punishment (this includes grounding)
Spanking (clothed)
Spanking (bare bottom)
Spanking (thighs)

Spanking implements used:
Plastic Hairbrush
Wooden Paddle with no holes
Wooden Dowel
Intimate Care Limits: Remember that no matter the context in which these occur, holding time would not exceed the receiver's age and thus would not be unreasonable as a holding time and would not cause an accident. House Parents may not use Intimate Care as punishment. If you are not comfortable providing ANY of these, please erase all options and write N/A.
Rectal temperature taking:
Enema with plain, warm water:

Limits (things that must NEVER happen in an interaction):

Triggers (things that will make you react negatively, such as fearful or angry, but are okay to happen in interactions):
About the Children's Home / Re: Children's Home Manual
« Last post by Administrator on October 24, 2017, 09:44:44 pm »
Consequences will be decided based on the individual needs of the child. We will achieve this as well as consistency by using a “point system” to determine the severity of the infraction. Depending on the number of points a child has earned, it will result in either a minor, creative, or major consequence. Spanking is allowed and if earned it will be carried out by one of the House Parents in private (not witnessed by other children).

About the Children's Home / Re: Children's Home Manual
« Last post by Administrator on October 24, 2017, 09:43:23 pm »
1. Respect yourself, others, and others’ property.
2. Get permission to visit another child’s bedroom (knock and ask to enter, don’t just go inside.) House Parents may break this rule if a child is being defiant or is in trouble, or if the child is not present and it is necessary to enter their room for something urgent.
3. No persons of the opposite sex are permitted in each others' bedrooms with the doors closed for any reason at any time. This is for the protection of all parties.
4. No cursing, swearing, or vulgar language or vulgar material will be tolerated.
5. Be responsible for your words and actions. Make sure you have everything you need for school or extracurricular activities before leaving the house. Speak to each other using kind words. Take care of your own belongings.
6. Follow the safety guidelines and precautions for every activity you are involved in, including age restrictions.
7. Chores are to be done without complaint and, unless time-related, completed before having free time. Household chores will be assigned and completed daily. Chores will be assigned based on how many children we have and their ages. (TBA).
8. Extracurricular Activities, Curfews, and Bedtimes:
Prior permission is required for all outside activities including going to neighbors, visiting friends, after school activities, leaving the grounds after dinner etc.
  • 5-9 year olds may only leave the grounds after dinner with an adult. (Special permission may be given for those going with their sibling group IF the oldest sibling is at least 15 but they must be back by 7pm unless otherwise told by a House Parent.)
  • 10-18 year olds may leave the grounds after dinner if accompanied by an adult OR in groups of 2 or more. If not with an adult, they must be in one hour before bedtime unless specifically told otherwise.
  • High school graduates may leave the grounds after dinner as long as they let a House Parent know where they are going, who they will be with, and are back by 11pm during the week and midnight on weekends.

If you miss a meal time or curfew by more than 30 minutes without a House Parent knowing where you are, you will be considered a runaway and the Eastland Hills PD will be notified.

9. Each resident must TRY church. Attend THREE Sunday church services and after the third service, the child may make the decision to no longer attend. (This may be waived upon a discussion with the child’s previous caseworker and reviewing their file.)

10. Attendance at meals is required unless permission is obtained in advance. All food is to be eaten in dining areas unless special permission is granted.
  • Breakfast before school on school days
  • Brunch at noon on weekends and non-school days
  • Dinner at 6pm each night

11. Bedtimes:
  • Ages 5-9: 8pm. Extended on non-school and non-church nights by one hour.
  • Ages 10-12: 9pm. Extended on non-school and non-church nights by one hour.
  • Ages 13-18: 10pm. Extended on non-school and non-church nights by one hour.
  • Ages 18 (if no longer in high school) and 19-20: Use your own discretion.

About the Children's Home / Children's Home Manual
« Last post by Administrator on October 24, 2017, 09:32:10 pm »
Clothing and Appearance:
You MUST comply with school dress code guidelines at all times. When outside of school, there will be NO baggy or sagging pants and NO midriff or cleavage showing. There will also be NO short shorts or skirts (hands straight down by side, all fingers MUST be touching fabric).

School will be attended, as required by law. Determining public or private school is decided based on the individual needs of the child. Any grade below C is unacceptable and there will be appropriate consequences for grades less than C (including C minuses!) without extenuating circumstances as well as zeroes and incompletes, if there is not an acceptable explanation. Homework will be completed as assigned. Trouble at school means trouble with your House Parents, but your side of the story will always be heard and taken into account.

Telephone calls on the landline will be limited to no longer than fifteen minutes each and limited to a reasonable number per day. (The number allowed is based upon whether the privilege is being abused.) Children under the age of 13 must ask permission before using the landline each time.

No phone calls (in or out) after 10:00 PM for teenagers (13+) and 9:00 PM for preteens (10-12) and 8:00PM for younger children (5-9), even on personal cell phones. NO long distance calls will be made from the landline.

Computers (both desktop and laptop) and iPads are available for checkout and use daily as long as either it is for homework or all homework and required chores are completed (within reason). Children’s Home laptops and iPads are not allowed in personal bedrooms and each person may only use them for one hour at a time (unless being used for homework the whole time). 

ALL devices MUST have parental controls installed on them prior to use. Anyone found to have disabled these precautions will lose their technology privileges for a period of time as deemed appropriate by the House Parents.

Intimate Care (rectal temperatures, suppositories, and enemas): will only be used if deemed medically necessary. These things will not happen as punishment for any reason while at Eastland Children’s Home.
About the Children's Home / Children's Home Background
« Last post by Administrator on October 24, 2017, 08:17:42 pm »
Having heard of several negligent foster parents and less-than-desirable group homes in the surrounding towns, the members of Eastland Community church decided that Eastland needed to have its own foster care system and that a Children's Home needed to be built. Weeks of careful planning and prayer brought all of the pieces together and a historic home was converted to house unattached children.

Staff is continually hired to compensate for the growing facility.  Continually sponsored by Eastland Community Church, the Children's Home is open to those aged 5 to 24 years old until they find their forever family.
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